Dr. Green’s Membership


Why Membership?

In short, to give you better care. I can provide you with better care because I am prioritizing YOUR personal care, because you are one of less than 300 patients, vs one of 3,000. Put another way, I have less than 10% of the average primary care doctor’s patient load, so I have more time to care for you.

-Joshua Green, ND


Benefits include:

-One doctor for every visit: You will always see me, the doc that knows you and your story (ie not a resident, nurse or assistant)

-Same day visits: When medically urgent I can almost always get you in that same day, or within 3 business days if not urgent, vacations/holidays notwithstanding.

-After hours visits: When medically urgent I will stay late, come back in the office, or be on telemedicine outside of the clinic hours to provide care for you, whether it’s the evening or the weekend, because health problems don’t just exist when the clinic is open.

-Quick/Same day replies: When needed you’ll hear back from me within 30min. My normal response time is somewhere between 2h and 3 business days when not medically urgent

-Use your insurance for visits: If you want to use your insurance you can. I am in network with all Vermont based insurances (BCBS, Medicaid, Cigna, MVP), as well as some Aetna and some Harvard Pilgrim plans.

-Affordable Non-Insurance Plans: If you don’t have insurance that covers your visits with me, or don’t have insurance, don’t worry! I have membership plans that fit your health care needs

-Discounts for members: Enjoy 10% off supplements purchased from Fullscript or directly from our office. Have access to discount cash labs that are 75% less than typical labs (ie not run through insurance)

-Physical Medicine: I offer naturopathic spinal manipulation, dry needling, and manual therapy. If you are paying for the Optimal or Butterfly plans you have one included physical medicine session every 3 months. Additional physical medicine sessions are 33% off for members.

Plans, Pricing & Application

(Please Note: your FSA, HRA or HSA funds MAY be able to be used to pay for the membership)

  • This is for primary care patients that want to use their insurance for visits or pay per visit. Most patients are seen every 3-6mo for optimal health support.

    *We do bill insurance with this plan.

    Monthly Fee: $75

  • This is for Chronic Care patients that want to use their insurance for visits or pay per visit.  For patients with conditions like Lyme, Mold toxin illness, or any intense chronic condition.

    *We do bill insurance with this plan.

    Monthly Fee: $150

  • For optimal health maintenance, and treatment of well-managed, ongoing issues (hypothyroidism, depression, diabetes, anxiety, hypertension, IBS, high cholesterol, etc).  

    Most patients are seen every 3-6mo for optimal health support.

    *We do not bill insurance with this plan.

    Monthly Fee: $150

    Up to 6 visits/year

  • This plan provides families the chance to have 5 plus members within one single plan!

    The first two members are $150/month with each additional member at $50/month!

    *We do not bill insurance with this plan.

  • This is for Chronic Disease patients (Lyme, Mold toxin illness, Tickborne disease, etc).  Most patients are seen every 1-2mo until better.

    *We do not bill insurance with this plan.

    Monthly Fee: $300

    Up to 12 visits/year.

  • Pay as you go, ie you pay for each visit, without monthly membership fees.  This is a fee for service (FFS) plan for patients that want to have visits for chronic care issues (Lyme, Mold toxin illness, tickborne disease, etc) outside of a membership. This is NOT a membership.  Most patients are seen every 1-2mo until better.

    Fee Schedule for Visits:

    Initial Visit (99205): $600

    Initial  Visit (99204): $450

    Follow Up (99215): $450

    Follow Up (99214): $300

    Follow Up (99213): $150

    Physical Medicine: $75

Membership plans require a 3 month initial commitment, and a 30 day cancellation notice.  Plans paid for in full for 12 months are non-refundable.

Frequently Asked Questions About Membership